Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Are Bed Bugs Black?

Having bed bugs at home isn't a nice thing. Bed bugs eat blood to keep themselves live. As the result, sometimes they sting people and take blood from people. Most people don't feel when the bed bugs bite them. They just find redness on their skin at the following day or in the morning. That isn't a nice thing to experience. That is why, we always hope that our home is free from insects. For those people who never saw bed bugs before, it's hard to tell if there's bed bug at their home.

So, in this page, you will learn about bed bugs include answering the question: are bed bugs black? So, check this out. Are bed bugs black? It is a good question. The color of adult bed bugs is light brown or reddish-brown. The color of bed bugs actually depends on the age of the bed bugs. The hatched nymphs or the very young bed bugs are very light. And the color becomes browner in time. Bed bugs eat blood as their meal. Two days after the bed bugs eat blood, their color change become opaque and black. Because of this, many people get confused at deciding if its bed bug or insect or young cockroach or carpet beetles.

 Now we know some explanations about the question are bed bugs black? The answer is yes. Sometimes the bed bugs are black, especially two days after they eat blood. You might also need some other description about bed bugs so you can decide if there are some bed bugs at your home or not. Adult bed bugs are oval shaped and flattened. Bed bugs don't have any hind wings. Bed bugs are usually small. Their length is just four to five millimeters and their width is just one and half to three millimeters. So, bed bugs are actually tiny. You need to be extra careful at finding them. Learning about are bed bugs black is so helpful for you to identify bed bugs existence in your home.

But even so, that knowledge isn't very enough to tell if there are some bed bugs in your home or not. It is not really easy to tell because you will not find bed bugs in the morning of noon. Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures. They do their activity or seek for meals at night. Usually they start at 10 at night and they end at 6 in the morning. Bed bugs usually stay in dark crevices. You might find their eggs. The eggs are mostly nestled in fabric seams. You also need to learn about how bed bugs come invade your home beside of the topic are bed bugs black. Bed bugs can come to your home with the infected items. Those items can be furniture, clothes, jacket, coat, bags, and backpack. It also can invade your home after a person visit infected area such as apartment, movie, subway, or even hotel. The bed bugs can stay in your stuff and move to your home with your stuff. So, be careful at your stuff!

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